Watmm Best Of 2017 And Copilot
02 Mar 2025 - Nic Ho Chee
Watmm.com, which has been one of my favourite go-to sites for new music since the 90s, is going dark on June 23rd. A past version of me would parse the End Of Year Best Of thread, religiously listen to each track, and create a list for future me to look over.
This is the list from 2017:
- 36 - Black Soma
- 36 - Tomorrow’s Explorers
- A Winged Victory for the Sullen - Iris
- Actress - AZD
- Aleksi Perälä - The Colundi Sequence Volume 2 2LP
- Alessandro Cortini - AVANTI
- Alvvays - Antisocialites
- Ancient Ocean - Titan’s Island
- Andrew Heath - Soundings
- Aphex Twin - Gerald Remix / 24 TSIM 2 Only for sale through the TES store… and part of the large dl dump Richard did in 2015.
- Archspire - Relentless Mutation
- ASC - Trans-Neptunian Objects
- Autumn Of Communion - Metal
- Avalon Emerson - Whities 013
- Barry Lynn - ‘01 - ‘04 Tracks
- Beatrice Dillon & Call Super - Influx/ Fluo
- Beck - Colors
- Bedwetter - Volume 1. Flick Your Tongue Against Your Teeth and Describe the Present
- Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
- Benoit Pioulard - Slow Spark, Soft Spoke
- Biogen - Halogen Continue
- Blanck Mass - World Eater
- Blawan - Nutrition
- Blue Angels - Vaces
- Bnjmn - Body Reflections
- Bola - D.E.G.
- Boris - Dear
- Brainwaltzera - Aescoba EP
- Brainwaltzera - Outdives EP
- Brainwaltzera - Poly Ana
- Broken English Club - The English Beach
- Brother Ah - Searching
- Cadans - 1 Bar FU
- Carbon Based Lifeforms - Derelicts
- Chaz Bundick meets the Mattson 2 - Star Stuff
- Chelsea Wolfe - Hiss Spun
- Chicano Batman - Freedom is Free
- Chris Moss Acid - Halosar EP
- Clark - Death Peak
- Clark - Honey Badger / Pig, Rellik EP
- Com Truise - Iteration
- Coryayo - Wolves
- Daphni - Joli Mai
- Datassette - Mannequin on the Run EP
- Deerhoof - Mountain Moves
- Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society - Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society
- Djrum - Broken Glass Arch
- Dopplereffekt - Cellular Automata
- Earl Grey - Headwinds LP
- Ekoplekz - Bioprodukt
- EOD - Swurlk EP
- EQ Why - New Track City: Volume Two
- Fen - Winter
- Fever Ray - Plunge
- Fluctuosa - Gastropods
- Fret - Over Depth
- Fxbip - Bleu
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers
- Goto80 - Floptrik
- Hamilton Leithauser & Angel Olsen - Heartstruck (Wild Hunger)
- Hans Zimmer & Benjamin Wallfisch - Blade Runner 2049
- Heorge Garrison - Shortridge EP
- Iglooghost - Neo Wax Bloom
- Indian Wells - Where the World Ends
- Ivy Lab - Peninsula EP
- Jake Muir - Acclimation
- James Holden & The Animal Spirits - The Animal Spirits
- Joanne Pollock - Stranger
- Johnny Jewel - Windswept
- Juana Molina - Halo
- Justin Walter - Unseen Forces
- Kangding Ray - Hyper Opal Mantis
- Karsten Pflum - Love Canticles
- Kettel - Alasca
- Kiefer - Kickinit Alone
- King Gizzard & Lizard Wizard - Sketches of Brunswick East
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana
- Konrad Sprenger - Stack Music
- Kraftwerk - 3-D The Catalogue
- Lake People - Break the pattern
- Lanark Artefax - Whities 011
- Lee Fields - Special Night Instrumentals
- LemKuuja - jude.
- Lesinge - Slide Binders
- Lone - Ambivert Tools Vol. 1 & 2
- Lorenzo Senni - XallegroX/The shape of trance to come
- Lorn - A/D
- M.E.S.H. - Hesaitix
- Mafgar - Mountain Songs
- Microlith - Subtle Variance
- Milo - Who Told You To Think?!??!!?!?!?!
- Minor Science - Whities 012
- Mogwai - Every Country’s Sun
- Nadia Struiwigh - Lenticular
- Naka Naka - Mundo Harsh
- Nathan Fake - Providence
- Neil Scrivin - Twenty Years on Ben Nevis
- NHK yx Koyxen - Exit Entrance
- Niels Broos - Niels Broos
- Night Drive - Night Drive
- Not Waving - Good Luck
- Ochre - Beyond the Outer Loop
- Oneohtrix Point Never - Good Time
- Osamu Sato - All Things Must Be Equal
- Oto Hiax - S/T
- P.O.S. - Chill, Dummy
- Pausal - Avifaunal
- Perturbator - New Model
- Pye Corner Audio - Half Light
- Pye Corner Audio - The Spiral
- Pyramids of Space - Live on Neptune
- Qebrus - triangles
- Queens of the Stone Age - Villains
- Radiophonic Workshop - Burial in Several Earths
- Rico Puestel - Caravel
- Riyuchi Sakomoto - Async
- Rognvald - Lord Rover - 2017 (Love Love)
- Rognvald - R.O.G.N.V.A.L.D
- Ruby My Dear - Basic
- Ryan Power - They Sell Doomsday 2LP
- Second Storey - Lucid Locations
- Second Woman - S/W
- Selffish - He She Them Us
- Shobaleader One - Elektrac
- Sigha - Metabolism
- Siriusmo - Comic
- Sote - Sacred Horror In Design
- Spoon - Hot Thoughts
- St. Vincent - Masseduction
- Starcadian - Midnight Signals
- Sylvan Esso - What Now
- Teengirl Fantasy - 8AM
- The Bug + Earth - Concrete Desert
- The Flashbulb - Piety of Ashes
- Trypheme - Online Dating
- v1984 - Pansori
- Various - Cottage Industries Vol 6 and 7
- Various Artists - Mono No Aware
- Various Artists - The Auditory Perception of Idiosyncracy
- Vermont - II
- Washed Out - Mister Mellow
- Worms and Bugs - Container ACE
- Xoki - Akasha
- Yaeji - EP2
- Yair Elazar Glotman - Compound
- Yellow Eyes - Immersion Trench
- Yussef Kamaal - Black Focus
- Zen Mother - I Was Made To Be Like Her
My Top 5 from 2017:
- St. Vincent - Masseduction
- Siriusmo - Comic
- Sylvan Esso - What Now
- The Flashbulb - Piety of Ashes
- Worms and Bugs - Container
More recently I have pages of links where I collate images, and download links for One New Album Each Week which I’m listening to. It would be cool if Copilot could collate that for me, and I can create a small bit of code to create the page for the list above… so… I asked Copilot…
From the following list of musicians and albums, iterate through each pair, download the album artwork and find a link to purchase each album, preferring bandcamp.com and bleep.com
- Sote - Sacred Horror In Design
- Spoon - Hot Thoughts
- St. Vincent - Masseduction
- Starcadian - Midnight Signals
- Sylvan Esso - What Now
…after a bit of a wait…
Awesome… but all of the links point to Amazon?
Can you retry, but prefer purchase links from Bandcamp.com and Bleep.com?
…it got it right on the next try…
…hmmm, let’s see what we can do with this.