
Trying to follow Buckminster Fuller's example in life, one step at a time to bring you brain scrapings for a new millennium.

Watmm Best Of 2017 And Copilot

02 Mar 2025 - Nic Ho Chee, which has been one of my favourite go-to sites for new music since the 90s, is going dark on June 23rd. A past version of me would parse the End Of Year Best Of thread, religiously listen to each track, and create a list for future me to look over.

This is the list from 2017:

My Top 5 from 2017:

  1. St. Vincent - Masseduction
  2. Siriusmo - Comic
  3. Sylvan Esso - What Now
  4. The Flashbulb - Piety of Ashes
  5. Worms and Bugs - Container

More recently I have pages of links where I collate images, and download links for One New Album Each Week which I’m listening to. It would be cool if Copilot could collate that for me, and I can create a small bit of code to create the page for the list above… so… I asked Copilot…

From the following list of musicians and albums, iterate through each pair, download the album artwork and find a link to purchase each album, preferring and

…after a bit of a wait…


Awesome… but all of the links point to Amazon?

Can you retry, but prefer purchase links from and

…it got it right on the next try…


…hmmm, let’s see what we can do with this.