
Trying to follow Buckminster Fuller's example in life, one step at a time to bring you brain scrapings for a new millennium.


Watmm Best Of 2017 And Copilot

Watmm is winding down shortly, which is a massive shame... each year I used to pick their collective brain for the best End Of Year releases, and listen and pick up stuff from them. This is the list from 2017... it would be nice to get the art and download links for the music, maybe I can ask Copilot...

One New Album Each Week 2025

ONAEW is a placeholder for my 52 favourite albums acquired in 2025, in no particular order.

One New Album Each Week 2024

ONAEW is my 52 favourite albums acquired in 2024, in no particular order.

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x000B Released

Congratulations fair traveler, you have made it to the end of the next level, sit for a while by the fireplace, rest your weary legs...

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x000A Released

The TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x000A compilation has been released...

Disasterpeace Fez OST

Hugely impressed by the music Disasterpeace is bringing out...

Lord Finesse and Percee P

Saw this from Cypher Effect over at Facebook...

Attack Magazine 10 Best Digital Synths 2015

It looks like Maker culture took off big-style this year, with a set of great digital synth kits out...

Aphex Twin 25 Questions

Really nice piece from Groove Magazine, which recently got 25 of Aphex Twin's peers to ask him questions

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0007 Released

Wickedness, the TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0007 - Night Of The Living Dead Rescore has been released.

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0009 Released

TEFOSAV have released the latest compilation, the TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0009 with a field recording theme.

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0008 Released

Tis the second year of the rejuvenated TEFOSAV. To celebrate some old and new members have put together a release...

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0006 Released

Strangely busy at the moment, so pretty happy that Sinvice managed to curate this release with some help from myself and the other TEFOSAV bods.

Punk Rock Enforced By Law

Years ago, in the Pre-Torrent age there was an amazing piece in the Baffler from the record producer Steve Albini who ran some numbers showing how a band can sell hundreds of thousands of records but not make any money for themselves

Make Your Own Synth

Looks like Make have created a handbook for building synthesisers.

Amazon Launches AutoRip Service

Amazon have a new AutoRip service which allows you to download 256k MP3s of any eligible music you bought from Amazon.

Queens Of The Stone Age Release ...Like Clockwork

Finally listened to the new Queens of the Stone Age release "...Like Clockwork" and I have to say its pretty special.

Charlie Frame Reviews Autechre's Exai for theQuietus

Autechre have a new album Exai out very shortly, Charlie Frame just happened to write a superb review...

Another reason to love the BBC...

Currently in the process of putting some modular synth noises together, was browsing some ring modulator sites and found this...

Pselodux Releases "Titan"

TEFOSAV regular Pselodux has been generating rocking chiptunes for years, and his latest album rocks...

Korg Re-release the Korg MS-20

Korg have re-released the Korg MS-20.

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0004

The EOY compilation is out from TEFOSAV, with some amazing tracks from the crew.


A crimbo pressie from TEFOSAV, with DLs for the holiday season.

CcommD III

More new-retro sounds from TEFOSAV

CcommD II

Back in the olden days of the interweb TEFOSAV used to release compilation CD and digital releases on

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0002

Just in time for Halloween, a spookily themed compilation is out from the collective.


The last artifact from the previous TEFOSAV board has been made available again.

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0001 is GO!

Its been a bit quiet here of late with Frightfest and a variety of ideas slowly cooking at the same time. I should have some more time to update the site now one of the projects is ready for the light of day...

Bloc.2012, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Queues

It was the afternoon in London and the excitement was palpable. Amongst the besuited office workers winding their slow way home on the DLR were a smattering of ravers humming with anticipation at the prospect of a night of booze, electronics and disco biscuits. That smattering grew to a deluge, as ravers started pouring through Bank and the DLR to be dumped outside The London Pleasure Gardens for Bloc Weekend 2012. The afternoon started well, but culminated in the Bloc.2012 festival being closed, the Police being called in to evacuate people from the site and talk of recrimination and bankruptcy.

TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0001

I’ve been a bit quiet over the last few weeks, both trying to get over the travesty that was Prometheus and spinning up the first TEFOSAV music compilation to come out in five years… avoid Prometheus, but take a look at TEFOSAV Aggregation Project 0x0001, generate some music and join in.

I'll Be Your Mirror 2012

Managed to catch a couple of days of music from All Tomorrow's Parties; I'll Be Your Mirror 2012 this weekend. Its held at Alexandra Palace in a particularly beautiful part of North London.

eMagic Unitor8 and Windows XP

How big a MIDI chain is too big a MIDI chain?

Ah'm on Bandcamp

There once was a site called TEFOSAV that my younger self contributed music to in the dark days before making games sucked my time from me.

65daysofstatic on tour April 2012

The lads from 65daysofstatic are on tour in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK in April. Check them out if you can :).

Jim Marhsall OBE RIP

Dr Jim Marshall OBE, founder and creator of Marshall amps has passed away. His amps defined rock for generations, may he rest in peace.

Movements in My Musical Life: Squarepusher

It might be valid to say that I spent a great deal of my teens and twenties obsessed with music.